Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Time to Purge

It's been a very long time since I have posted here. I've been feeling the urge to blog again but may change the content a bit by maybe adding more travel posts.

I got home early from work today and since we are having leftovers for dinner, I did not need to spend the 2 - 3 hours in the kitchen that I normally do. Even for a lot of simple dishes, I spend a significant time in the kitchen--why?!  With the extra time, I decided that it was time to start cleaning up my makeup area. I managed to do only 3 medium compartments but practically filled up an 8 gallon trash can!

Admittedly, a lot of it was empty product boxes that I kept for years. I normally keep the boxes in case I don't like the makeup so that I can then give it away to someone who will enjoy using it or put it up for blog sale, also something that I have not done in a long, long time.I have at least 8 more compartments or drawers to go through but at least it was a start. Need to make space for more possible products that I may acquire since Nordstrom's Beauty Trend Show is upcoming.

I am an admitted makeup brush whore. I love brushes! I have so many all around the house that I don't even know exactly what I have. Brand and price do not matter. I have some very inexpensive brushes that I love--like ELF and BS Mall. I also have a very high end $200.00+ Japanese powder brush. After time, sometimes more quickly than others, brushes that I initially loved, are no longer loved. There's also the wear and tear of time where bristles start falling out. Although I know that I need to go through my brushes thoroughly, it is with heavy heart that I dumped these today.

A few months ago, I finally acquired my first bunch of Sigma brushes. I can understand why so many people like them.

A quick, sweet and short post for today. Slowly trying to make a blog comeback. 

How has everyone been?
